Anahat’s alternative livelihood initiative through goatery and piggery will empower nearly hundred tribal women as well as quality education for children and food security of closed Lankapara Tea Garden. Lankapara is one of the Duncan’s closed tea gardens in Indian state of West Bengal. It is situated under the Madarihat block bordering Bhutan in Alipurduar district.
Udaan-Alipurduar :SRHR along with livelihood options
Empowering Tribal Women

The project plan is to purchase and supply local goats and pigs to 40 tribal families. This project will help 40 tribal women in a closed Lankapara tea garden improve their family incomes and expenses related to their education. It is a two-year project. Project main activities will include; Training of tribal women, procurement and supply of local 40 goats and 20 pigs, monitoring and evaluation. This will be a community owned project of which the beneficiaries will be in project prioritization and design. 40 tribal women are to benefit from the project especially in the first stage. Around 100 tribal women indirect beneficiaries are expected to benefit from the project. These include; potential goat and pig meat buyers, and adopt similar projects for their family improved incomes sources.