Football For Her is an initiative of Anahat For Change Foundation with 30 adolescent girls in Kandi block of Murshidabad district. This project aims to empower and enable young girls in Murshidabad to realize their rights and entitlements. Our initiative will help provide a means to break stereotypes and build confidence among young girls through the Football team for girls program.
Football for Her

Why Football?
Football is one of the popular sports in rural Bengal but used as a tool can act wonders as girls get immediate recognition that boosts school retention and brings out leaders in them who in turn can influence other girls to stand up for their rights. Football is used as a therapy for those trying to put their lives together after years of abuse or who have been side-lined by society due to their being social status or stigma. The game helps girls not only to gain fitness but also acts as an instrument of empowerment. It helps to boost their morale and lead a healthy life. With the help and support, Football For Her can extend its operations to directly influence and help people at grassroot level promoting harmony and prosperity in hard to reach and social deprived areas. It is also a means to break the common stereotype that “Only boys can play football”.
Our Objective
- To inculcate confidence and motivation among young girls of Murshidabad.
- To create awareness among the community regarding child rights.
- To reduce child marriage and gender-based violence in the area.
- To break gender stereotypes and reduce dropouts among girls.
- To provide a platform for the girls and create a symbol of empowerment.
- Career enhancement of girls playing football through support from IFA (Indian Football Association).